
A simple Python API wrapper


This wrapper is intended to function within a client object and will not function correctly outside of one. More features and functionality will be added going forward


pip install discordspy

The project's github can be found here, while it's pypi page can be found here


  • Server count posting

  • Built-in automatic & interval server count posting

  • Built-in voting webhook handler

  • Voting & server posting events


Auto posting servers

Auto posting posts the server count whenever the bot is added to/removed from a server, while still abiding with our ratelimits. This example also includes an on server post event.

from discord.ext import commands
import discordspy

bot = commands.Bot("!")
discords = discordspy.Client(bot, DISCORDS_TOKEN,

async def on_discords_server_post(status):
    if status == 200:
        print("Posted the server count:", discords.servers())

Interval posting servers

Interval posting posts the server count at regular specified intervals, by default it is set to 30 minutes. This example also includes an on server post event.

from discord.ext import commands
import discordspy

bot = commands.Bot("!")
post = discordspy.Post.interval(minutes=30, hours=1)
discords = discordspy.Client(bot, DISCORDS_TOKEN, post=post)

async def on_discords_server_post(status):
    if status == 200:
        print("Posted the server count:", discords.servers())

Webhook voting event

Setting up webhooks, along with an event to recieve them

IMPORTANT: Your webhook url must end with /discordswebhook if you wish to use a different path, please specify it using the path argument inside the webhook method path="/customwebhook",

IMPORTANT: To recieve webhooks you must have set up port forwarding and specified the port in the webhook section on your bot page, by default the port is 8080

from discord.ext import commands
import discordspy

bot = commands.Bot("!")
discords = discordspy.Client(bot, DISCORDS_TOKEN)
discords.webhook(port=6969, auth="password")

async def on_discords_vote(data):
    print("Recieved a vote")

Cog example

Using all the features within a cog

from discord.ext import commands
import discordspy

class discords_cog(commands.Cog):

    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.discords = discordspy.Client(bot, DISCORDS_TOKEN)
        self.discords.webhook(port=6969, auth="password")
    def postservers(self, ctx):

    async def on_discords_server_post(self, status):
        log_channel =
        if status == 200:
            await log_channel.send("Posted the server count")
            await log_channel.send("Failed to post the server count")

    async def on_discords_vote(self, data):
        print("Recieved a vote")

def setup(bot):

Last updated